The world of Autism/Asperger’s is an ever-expanding one. Each day, it seems, another blog or article pops up. With each one, come words and terms we are unfamiliar with. This glossary of autism/Asperger’s terms and definitions is designed to share with you the medical terminology that you may hear as well as slang terms you may hear on blogs and personal diaries of Autistic people. I sincerely hope you find it helpful. It is my hope that it will grow so, if a term you were looking for is not on here, please take the time to email me . Thank you so much for supporting my blog, Victoria McFadden

A Autism Asperger’s Definitions

Written by an autistic, this comprehensive but still growing glossary of Autism/Aspergers definitions will shed light on medical terminology as well as slang.

Asperger’s– A term used until 2013 to describe people who had features of autism without speech or intellectual delay. In the DSM-5, the term was removed and replaced with the umbrella term Autism Spectrum Disorder. People who fit the former diagnostic criteria often still refer to themselves as having Asperger’s or as being “Aspies”.

Aspie– A word that some autistic people use to describe themselves.

Autism Spectrum– This refers to the wide variety of autistic people who exist and the amount of care they can need. Some autistics are nonverbal and some do well in college. It is also important to note that just because a person is in college or in the workforce, it is not safe to assume they are not struggling.

Autistic– The identity-first way a person with autism refers to themselves. Example: I am autistic.


Meltdown– An intense response to overwhelming situations1’an%20intense,and%20temporarily%20loses%20behavioural%20control. When an autistic person has an intense reaction because of external stimuli, we call this a meltdown. Sometimes these reactions can involve the person making noises, rocking, crying, etc…

Mind Blindness– The ability to understand and predict what the thoughts, beliefs, and intentions of another person are. (Related to Theory of Mind)

N Autism Asperger’s Definitions

Neurotypical– A person who does not have autism/is not on the autism spectrum

Normie– A slang term for a neurotypical.

NT– Another name for neurotypical (also see normie)


Person with Autism– The person-first way to refer to an autistic person. Example: “Please do not refer to my son as “autistic”. His autism does not define him. He is a person with autism.” (For the opposite of this, see “identity-first language” and “autistic”)


Sensory Differences– Experiencing sight, sound, touch, taste, and/or smell in a way that differs from the norm. Sometimes autistic people experience sensory input “too much” or “too little”.

Sensory Overload– When an autistic person becomes overwhelmed with too much information coming in from their 5 senses. Whereas a person who does not have autism may be having a great time, the autistic person could be covering their ears, feeling nauseated from strong smells, or getting a headache from fluorescent lights.

Stimming– Comforting, often repetitive, movements done by people on the spectrum

T Autism Asperger’s Definitions

The Spectrum– The spectrum refers to the wide range of symptoms and the amount of care/assistance needed to care for a person with autism. If someone has autism in any form, they are “on the spectrum”.

Theory of Mind– The ability to understand that other people have thoughts, beliefs, and intentions that are different from those of one’s self.